What is pwned? - Lets set it straight..
In jargon, pwn means to compromise or control, specifically another computer (server or PC), website, gateway device, or application
So? What’s the issue here?
Multiple security breaches have made millions of passwords known to cybercriminals
Yes, possibly one of YOUR password is already known to cyber-criminals.
Add paragraph text here.
Not just passwords, recent breaches have confirmed emails, passwords, names, IP address and physical addresses have been stolen, also
- Usernames
- Dates of birth
- Genders
- Phone numbers
Just what cyber-criminals want for identify theft!
Really, how bad is it??
Look at numbers!!
- By March 2018, 501 million searchable passwords are available for download!
What can I do??
Add par
- Get a password manager and learn how to use it: 1password.com, keepass.org, etc..
- Change your passwords across the board…
- Use this information to your advantage and:
- Show the users you’re ahead of the game
- Show the users you know what to do
- Lead the change, be the expert at work
- Don’t forget Home & Family.. They need professional advise too…
But how is this related to APEX?
Follow this blog to show you how to download the password files and using APEX you can check if your passwords have been known to cyber-criminals..
Also with a little bit of creativity we can allow our users to check if their password has been compromised already so they can change it..
Or you could enforce a check that if its compromised then that password can’t be used in your application(s).
So, how to do it from APEX?
There are a few steps and you’ll decide what works best in your case.
–These are steps I used to load and make it available in APEX.
Use the Script to search in the operating system, posted in Github:
1. All Files are available for download at:
2. Make the appropriate calls from the APEX Application
I Tested three different approaches:
1.Load data in database
2.Load data in text files on the Operating System as regular text files
3.External tables – (is not viable as its way too slow to be productive)
1. Load data in database
In my case I use Oracle XE and the amount of data exceeds the 11GB of user data available in that version.
So I decided to load just 50 million (including a non-unique index)
Response time is fantastic, I mean databases are made for that stuff!
In case you haven’t seen it this is the error when you exceed the capacity:
ORA-12953: The request exceeds the maximum allowed database size of 11 GB
Note: I used CentOS so you adjust as needed based on your OS and/or distro
Note: You’ll need 45GB of free space for this space to complete successfully.
As root:
yum install -y p7zip
mkdir /pwned
chown oracle:dba /pwned
cd /pwned
wget https://downloads.pwnedpasswords.com/passwords/pwned-passwords-ordered-2.0.txt.7z
7za e pwned-passwords-ordered-2.0.txt.7z
Connect SYS as sysdba:
Using SQLWorkshop or SQLPlus or what ever you prefer:
Content of loader1.ctl:
INFILE 'xaa.dat'
(HASH terminated by ':',COUNTS )
Note: File xaa.dat is a file with only 50m rows, created using ‘split’ command in Unix. Replace with pwned-passwords-ordered-2.0.txt if you wish.
Load the data files using SQLLoader
$ sqlldr userid=schema/password control=loader1.ctl bad=loader1.bad direct=TRUE
Using SQLWorkshop or SQLPlus or what ever you prefer:
2.Load data in text files on the Operating System as regular text files
For this approach to work you must enable the database server to execute Operating System commands. In Oracle XE is an undocumented feature that I will blog separately.
This is using the application provided that you load to your APEX environment and you'll see that it does the trick by running an OS Scripts via DBMS_SCHEDULER.
As root:
yum install -y p7zip
mkdir /pwned
chown oracle:dba /pwned
cd /pwned
wget https://downloads.pwnedpasswords.com/passwords/pwned-passwords-ordered-2.0.txt.7z
7za e pwned-passwords-ordered-2.0.txt.7z
As root:
yum install -y p7zip
mkdir /pwned
chown oracle:dba /pwned
cd /pwned
wget https://downloads.pwnedpasswords.com/passwords/pwned-passwords-ordered-2.0.txt.7z
7za e pwned-passwords-ordered-2.0.txt.7z
Personally I prefer this way as it doesn’t grow the database increasing the size of backups, recoveries and potentially flushing valuable cache in searching.
–This data is 100% static, seriously consider if you want it in the database
Response time is smoking fast!!
–501,636,842 rows in total
–Time to search: ~180ms
–Note: For the kind of search the data must be sorted, which it is.
It’s Demo time! - Load the application or look at the scripts.
It’s bad news that our email, password, etc. are available to cybercriminals
Be positively reactive and get a password manager and change your passwords!
For new accounts be proactive and create passwords from the password manager
Help your users and Family
–We are all in this, cybercriminals will take advantage of anyone.
With APEX I have shown you how to help your users identify if their passwords have been compromised.
Notes about External Tables
Too slow to be usable in this case as it needs to scan 501million rows via OCI Layer and that will take about 4-5 minutes per search on a SSD based server.. not viable.
All available for you:
■All Files are available for download at:
■Pwned Passwords (In SHA1 HASH):
■Clear text passwords:
Contact me if you have any questions..
If you have any questions please contact me and I'll be happy to help